

Sunday 29 March 2015


A bed bug infestation takes a toll on your home and your body, but can also have a serious effect on your mind. While the physical effects of bed bugs have been well documented by victims, exterminators and medical professionals, the psychological effects are only just beginning to be studied.

One of the most common psychological symptoms of bed bugs is insomnia – difficulty falling and/or staying asleep – which can lead to general
tiredness, irritability and problems with concentration and memory during the day. Bed bug victims often find it difficult to fall asleep thinking of what might be crawling along their mattress and can be kept awake by the itching associated with bites.

Bed bug infestations can also be extremely stressful, especially when victims are trying to isolate the cause and extent of the infestation. Several victims report increased anxiety levels during infestations, which can lead to shortness of breath, heart palpitations, nausea, muscle tension and dizziness. Victims of bed bugs have also reported anxiety after the fact, saying that they still feel as though they are being bitten well after the infestation has been removed from their home.

In a study from Mississippi State University found that hyper-vigilance, paranoia, obsession and depression – symptoms commonly associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are also common psychological symptoms associated with bed bugs. Bed bugs have also been found to compound existing psychological cases, exacerbating symptoms of conditions like anxiety, insomnia and depression. If you are feeling the psychological effects of a bed bug infestation you should consult your doctor immediately. It has been believed for quite some time that bed bugs don’t transmit any form of disease. That opinion is changing as more studies are being conducted.

A University of Pennsylvania study has found that bed bugs are capable of carrying Chagas disease, which can lead to heart and stomach complications, and in extreme cases, can be fatal. The find is a significant one as bed bugs have always been thought to be incapable of transmitting disease, unlike other parasitic insects such as ticks or mosquitoes. Chagas is traditionally transmitted by the kissing bug, and currently infects over 300,000 Americas; however, researchers contend that the disease could become much more prevalent through bed bugs, which are harder to detect and kill, and come into contact with humans much more often.


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