

Saturday, 27 June 2015


The article examines the use of social media during the month of Ramadan and the positive and negative result of its usage. It further encourages the minimal use of social media so as to be on the safe side.

This article expresses the opinion of a devoted muslim who's name is withheld. The views and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of jay's fashiontainment

There is nothing about life that Islam has not provided ways of going about it. Allah says in the glorious Qur’an chapter 6 verse 38 that, “There is no creature on or within the earth or bird that flies with its wings except that they are communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered.” Allah says he has not forgotten anything in the Register. What is the Register? The Register is the Glorious Qur’an. This means that there is not a single thing about how human beings live their life that the glorious Qur’an does not give a direction. This means that the how and what we do with our social life is thoroughly provided for by Islamic Laws as contained in the glorious Qur’an and Hadith.


Some Muslims could be curious to ask if all the different social media platforms are permissible during Ramadan. They might want to know the extent at which these platforms could be managed and at the same time for them to fully get the rewards of fasting. The simple truth is that a fasting Muslim should minimise the time he spends on these platforms. The reason is that some people are so engrossed when they start interacting with their social media friends and forget that they are fasting. They find it difficult to do acts of worship like reciting the glorious Qur’an, keeping to the time of the five daily prayers, going to tafsirs, standing at night for tahajjud or even have time to balance their personal schedules.

Muslims should know that no one is saying that these platforms could not be used while fasting, however, there should be an equilibrium because Ramadan comes just once in a year. It is therefore Muslim-like for anybody fasting for him to reduce the time he spends on these platforms.

Reiterating the earlier statement, there is no Muslim scholar anywhere on the surface of earth who out rightly disapprove the use of social media networks during Ramadan. However, what a great number of them advise is that these platforms should be used for halal things. These halal things include sending words of advice for Ramadan, sayings of the Prophet (peace be upon his soul) or anything that has a semblance to Ramadan.
Uploaded or downloaded pictures, audios or videos should also not be offensive in order not to invalidate fasting. This is because Allah says in chapter 24 verse 30 and 31 that Prophet Muhammad should tell both believing men and women to reduce some of their vision and guard their private parts. This two verses remind Muslims that they should be careful with how they use their eyes and other sensitive parts of their body. It will not be ideal for someone fasting to expose himself or herself to what is haram on these platforms or even the television or radio or any other gadget used for communication. Muslims should always remember that they would be asked about how they use their sensitive body parts on the day of judgement in which the hands will speak and the feet would testify to the actions of man while he was on earth.

Allah says in chapter 17 verse 36 of the Qur’an that: 

“And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing and the sight and the heart- about all those one will be questioned.” 

This verse explains that man cannot just use his ears or eyes they way he desires. As man is from a creation process, thus he has a duty not to derail from what Allah wants from him. What Allah wants from Muslims while fasting is to use their ears and eyes for acts of worship in order not to attract the punishment of Allah to themselves.
A Muslim that his Ramadan records show zero after fasting has himself to blame if he refuses to stay away from what Allah abhors on these social media networks. Allah’s Messenger said as reported by Anas bun Malik (Allah be pleased with him) in Sahih Bukhari that “Paradise is surrounded by hardships (like fasting) and hell fire is surrounded by temptations (like using social media networks for haraam things).” In this case, we should all know that a word is enough for a wise Muslim.

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