

Tuesday 7 February 2017

EXPOSED!!! Beyonce’s Dad Mistakenly reveals the sex of twins

Image result for beyonce's father tweets

Beyonce is known for guarding her private life jealously.she loves releasing info via subtle hints on instagram.

Since announcing her new knocked up status, fans have been quessing the type of twins she might be having, boy, girl or both?Well well, it seems like Mathew Knowles let the cat out of the bag while speaking to the MirrorUK.

He Said:

"I’m extremely proud and happy, both with Jay and her. And Blue Ivy is going to have some brothers and sisters. She is already excited.”

MirrorUK reveals after the slip he tried to take it back but the look in his face said
 “Oh s#!t, I wasn’t supposed to say that”. 

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