

Thursday 15 January 2015

15 Facts And Myths About The Illuminati

Original Name was The Perfectibilists

1.  Original Name Was The Perfectibilists
Did you know that the Illuminati was originally going to be called something completely different? Founder Adam Weishaupt picked out the name "The Perfectibilists." Doesn't have quite the same ring to it, does it?

Scroll through to learn more quick facts about the Illuminati!

2.  Founded in 1776
The Order of the Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776 in Bavaria, Germany. A couple of months later -- on July 4, 1776 on the other side of the world -- the signing of the Declaration of Independence marked the founding of the United States of America.

3.  Hasn't Been Around Since 1785 
Despite many rumors and conspiracy theories about the continued existence of the Illuminati -- there's no actual proof that they are still around today.

The truth is that the original Bavarian Illuminati was infiltrated by government agents and forced to shut down in 1785. That's when Charles Theodore, the Bavarian ruler -- encouraged by the Catholic Church -- outlawed all secret societies. The order's founder, Adam Weishaupt, fled the country. As far as we know, that was the end of that!

4.  Rumored Members
The love of a good conspiracy theory -- combined with a fascination for celebrity gossip -- has led to all sorts of rumors about which famous people might be Illuminati members. Hand gestures like the triangle symbol are used as "proof" that the Illuminati still exists, and that these celebs are members. Crazy? You decide!

  • Miley Cyrus
  • Jay-Z
  • Beyonce
  • Lady Gaga
  • Rihanna
  • Madonna
  • Kanye West
  • Barack Obama
  • The Pope
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • And many more...

5.  Opposed Superstition
It may not be obvious now, but the original Illuminati was formed with the goal of opposing superstition. They were also against prejudice. But that's not all. Keep reading to find out what else they believed in.

6.  Against Abuse of State Power
The Bavarian Illuminati were against any abuse of state power. They were also opposed to any religious interference or influence over public life. Maybe that's why the ruler of Bavaria and the Roman Catholic church were so keen to shut the movement down! Now that we know what the Illuminati were against, find out what they were very much in favor of.

7.  Pro Women's Rights
The Illuminati were into equal rights for women. They were also in favor of education for women. Very enlightened! So who came up with all this stuff?

8.  Founder 
The key founder of the Bavarian Illuminati was a guy named Adam Weishaupt. He was a German philosopher who'd had a Jesuit education. In 1768 he graduated with a doctorate in law. By 1772 he was a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt. A few years later he created the Illuminati -- and took the name "Brother Spartacus" for himself!

9.  All-Seeing Eye and Pyramid Aren't Illuminati Symbols (if i hear!)
The All-Seeing Eye and the Pyramid are often assumed to be symbols for the Illuminati. But are they really? Keep reading to find out what symbol the original Illuminati actually chose for themselves!

10.  Owl of Minerva Symbol 
The original insignia of the Illuminati was the Owl of Minerva -- perched on top of a book. The Roman goddess Minerva -- along with her Greek counterpart Athena -- were the goddesses of wisdom. So the owl -- with it's ability to see in the dark -- together with the book, are strong symbols of the wisdom, knowledge, insight, and learning that the Illuminati were all about.

11.  Not The Freemasons 
The Bavarian Illuminati was an entirely separate entity to the Freemasons. But there were some similarities:

  •  Illuminati members vowed secrecy and pledged obedience.
  •  Members were structured into 3 classes -- with various degrees in each class.
  •  Illuminati members were frequently recruited from existing Masonic lodges.

12.  Secret Society
The Bavarian Illuminati was founded as an Enlightenment-era secret society whose members were free thinkers and intellectuals.

  •  It originally had only 5 members, and was based in Ingolstadt in the Upper Bavaria region of Germany. 
  • Within the next 10 years the movement expanded to include around 2,000 members spread across most of Europe.

13.  Actual Members
The truth about actual members of the original Illuminati sounds positively boring in comparison to current rumors. They were a now "defunct German society of freethinkers, humanists and Enlightenment academics." Members included:

  • Ferdinand of Brunswick -- a former military leader who became a benefactor of the poor, and a patron of art and learning
  • Xavier von Zwack -- lawyer to Prince von Salm, and 2nd in the Illuminati ranks
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe -- a writer and politician
  • Johann Gottfried Herder -- a philosopher, poet, and literary critic
  • Gottfried van Swieten -- patron of Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven

14.  Blamed for the French Revolution and Lots More
As early as the late 1700s an Illuminati conspiracy theory sprang up. It was rumored that the Illuminati had survived its shutdown -- and was responsible for bringing about the French Revolution. Since then, the Illuminati has been blamed for all kinds of things, like:

  • President JFK's assassination
  • Currency manipulation
  • Super Bowl halftime shows
  • All the bad stuff

15.  New World Order
According to conspiracy theorists, the ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to establish a one-world totalitarian government -- known as the New World Order. The theory goes that the Illuminati elite are secretly planning to rule the world. Their plotting is supposedly conducted via puppet organizations like the Federal Reserve, college fraternities, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Freemasons -- and Def Jam Recordings!

Agree with the facts? Share your thoughts palz

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