

Saturday 10 January 2015

10 Views On How The World Would Be Without Social Media

1. There Would Be More Productivity

Social media sites are a great time-waster when it comes to the workplace.  Studies have shown that employees spend some portion of their day checking social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, which are easily accessible on their smartphones if offices have restricted access to these time pits.  Without social media, people would work more without the temptation of having to keep up with the latest pop culture disaster.

2. There Would Be More Privacy

The social media age has become the ‘gotcha’ age, in which every aspect of someone’s private life can be captured and uploaded for the world to see within seconds.  Whether it’s a moment of anger, text messages or even a romantic video tape made for private use, the social media beast must be fed with scandal, and as a result there’s no privacy for the individual anymore.  Without social media, there would be less reason to expose private secrets.

3. There Would Be Better Grammar and Sentence Structure

Social media has spawned its own lingo that’s written in something that isn’t quite English. With all the hashtags and 140-character limiting chunks of information, people have forgotten how to form full and coherent sentences. Grammar and sentence structure are non-existent in a social media world that’s all about shortcuts and shorthand. The absence of social media would mean the absence of social media language butchery.

4. More Family Time

Social media has invaded every aspect of daily life. Families don’t spend time chatting about what happened during the day anymore, because everyone is glued to a smartphone, tablet or laptop, too addicted to the digital world to connect with one another. Taking social media away, could help families relate on a personal level again.

5. There Would Be Less Misinformation

Social media has given rise to thousands of websites and blogs that claim to provide information and resources to the public. But many of these social media sites are filled with false information, outright lies and distortions. There would be far less inaccurate news if social media wasn’t around.

6. There Would Be Less Chance For One Person To Make A Difference

Without social media, one person wouldn’t be able to impact millions. One thing social media has done well is transform the power of the individual. For example, making a video of police brutality caught on tape and uploading that video to YouTube, can create a viral storm that results in justice being done. No other medium on earth provides this kind of ‘one person can make a difference’ power.’

7. There Would Be More Patience

Social media is fast and responsive. You don’t have to wait hours or days for a reaction, it all comes back instantaneously. This has resulted in a culture that lacks patience and craves instant gratification. Without social media, people would learn more patience, and learn how to wait for stories to develop before making a judgment that is often incorrect.

8. There Would Be No Social Media Envy


Social media envy is a feeling you get when you wish you had more Facebook followers, or more Twitter fans, or more people on LinkedIn who connected with you. It’s a cultural emotion that’s caused by the ways in which social media is set up like a high school, with the goal being trying to becomes as popular as you can. If you take away social media, you take away social media envy.

10. There Would Be Less Drama

A lot of social media is all about drama and scandal and exposing the ugly side of things, and that has made for a culture that’s coarse and unrefined. And it’s not as if there’s hope in the future that somehow social media will change direction and become a bastion of politeness and respectability. Get rid of social media, and you deprive people of a forum for so much nastiness.

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